Substitute Teacher

Interested in Substitute Teaching?

So you’re interested in becoming a substitute teacher with Murfreesboro City Schools… great news! We are constantly looking for qualified and dedicated individuals to add to our substitute teaching team.

Murfreesboro City Schools hires all of our substitute teachers in house, meaning we do not use an outside service to hire or manage our subs. We feel that this gives our substitute teachers an opportunity to train and learn within the system before the real work begins!

Steps to become a substitute teacher:

Step 1: Apply online. Application information can be found by clicking “Apply Now” at the top right of the webpage.

Step 2: Interview. Human Resources reviews all applications – if you are deemed qualified, you will receive an invitation to interview.

Step 3: New Hire Processing. If your interview goes well, you will then be sent instructions to complete your new hire onboarding. This will include fingerprinting, online paperwork, training videos, and an in-person orientation.

Step 4: Time to sub! Once your new hire processing is complete, you can start subbing!

If you have any specific questions, please contact Maria Winfree in Human Resources via email (Email Maria Winfree) or 615-893-2313.

Pay Information for Substitute Teachers

Education Level                          Full Day Pay                 Half Day Pay

Certified Sub                                 $105                                   $52.50

No Certified Sub                           $95                                   $47.50

  • After subbing 15 days in a school year, add $5 per day.
  • After subbing 30 days in a school year, add another $5 per day.

Additional $10 per day for full days of subbing on Mondays, Fridays, and other “hard to fill” days as assigned.