The Murfreesboro City Schools Integrated Preschool is a program that offers preschoolers, with and without disabilities, challenging experiences through a language-based curriculum.
Murfreesboro City Schools currently has 11 integrated preschool classrooms located at 5 schools within city limits. These classes are special education classes for children ages 3-5. Peer models are placed at each site to serve as role models and peer helpers to children with special needs. The integrated preschool classroom is a structured teaching environment where children with special needs and peer models learn together in a classroom that is staffed with one special education teacher and two education assistants. The interdisciplinary early childhood curriculum aims to synthesize research-based approaches in four domains of learning: mathematics, science, literacy, and social-emotional development. The curriculum consists of 6 units that focus on supporting children’s development in ten comprehensive thinking processes, which are applicable across all four domains: cooperating, comparing/classifying, communication, curiosity, imagination, observing, self-regulation, reasoning/problem solving, making sense, and using tools strategically.
For IPK Questions email or call (615) 904-1015.