Special Education

Murfreesboro City Schools provides individual educational programs for students meeting the state criteria for special education. Resource classes and speech services are located in all schools. Comprehensive Development classes are located at Reeves-Rogers, Scales, Erma Siegel and Northfield Elementary.

Additional staff include: speech-language therapists, school psychologists, vision teacher, deaf educator, occupational therapist, physical therapist, and social worker. Other specialists are contracted as needed.

All students are served in the least restrictive environment and are served based on their individual needs.

Students with special needs may begin receiving services from MCS on their 3rd birthday. Children from birth to three, with special needs, may be served through Tennessee’s Early Intervention System (TEIS) (click this link to learn more). Tennessee’s Early Intervention System is a voluntary educational program for families with children birth through age two with disabilities or developmental delays.

All special education services are provided at no charge.

Notice of Destruction of Special Education Records
Under Federal Law, special education records, which have been collected by the Murfreesboro City School System relating to identification, evaluation, educational placement, and provision of special education services, must be retained for a minimum of three years after special education services to the student have ended. The special education records will be destroyed of all students whose special education services ended three years prior to the beginning of each school year. This includes individuals born in the year 2009 and earlier. Special education services end when a student is no longer eligible when he/she exits the Murfreesboro City School System.

Prior to destruction of their special education records, individuals 18 years of age and older or parents’ guardians of dependent individuals have the right to review and/ or obtain copies of these records. These records may be of use when applying for Social Security benefits, rehabilitation services, college, etc.

No response by March 31st, 2025, of the 3rd year after your child no longer receives services from the Murfreesboro City School System will result in destruction of such records.

For more information, contact:
Laura Gulizia 615.893.2313 ext. 1060 or email laura.gulizia@cityschools.net

Murfreesboro City Schools Child Find
Parents who suspect their child requires an evaluation to determine eligibility for Special Education services should contact the principal at the student’s home school or the Special Education Supervisor at 615/893-2313 or specialed@cityschools.net.


If you are the parent of a preschool child between the ages of 3 – 5 and you have concerns about an area of your child’s development, you are encouraged to call to schedule a preschool screening for your child. Screening will include the areas of vision, hearing, fine motor, gross motor, speech/language, and cognitive functioning as needed.
Call 893-2313 Ext. 10060 for an appointment

Child Advocacy Group Contact Information

For more information regarding the Child Advocacy Group, please call 1-888-212-3162 or Murfreesboro City Schools at 615-893-2313.

Child Advocacy Tennessee