In the state of Tennessee, families have the right to home school their children through several options. The Tennessee Home School law (TN Code Annotated 49-6-3050) states: “A homeschool is a school conducted or directed by a parent or parents or a legal guardian or guardians for their own children.”
Murfreesboro City Schools strives to be the top choice for families in our school zone. However, we understand some families will choose home school as their best option for their child/ren, so we are providing the following information for reference.
Families may enroll their children in an (1) Independent Home School, (2) Church-related Umbrella School, or (3) Accredited Online School.
Independent Home Schooling
Church-related Umbrella School
Families are required to provide evidence to Murfreesboro City Schools that their child is enrolled in a church-related “umbrella” school (Tennessee Code Annotated § 49-50-801). Families who choose this option will be required to provide evidence to the local school district that their child is enrolled in a state approved church-related school. An Intent to HomeSchool form is not required. The church-related school will determine record-keeping and test requirements for students enrolled in an umbrella program.
Accredited Online School
Families choosing this educational option must be sure to determine that the school has legitimate accreditation status and will be required to provide evidence to the Murfreesboro City Schools that their child is enrolled in an accredited online school. It’s important that you complete your own research on the best fit for your child. Murfreesboro City Schools does not provide recommendations, especially because accreditations can change. An Intent to HomeSchool form is not required.
To be an acceptable online school for students who reside in Tennessee, the school must be accredited by one of the regional accrediting agencies listed below:
Home schooled students not enrolled with a home school agency such, as a Category IV church-related umbrella school or an accredited online school must register their child with the school district as Independent Home School.
For more information, visit the following resources:
For more information, you may contact:
Ken Rocha
Assistant Superintendent, Student Support Services
(615) 893-2313
Elizabeth Emslie
Administrative Assistant, Student Support Services
(615) 893-2313 ext. 10041