Nursing Services
Murfreesboro City Schools has a team of wonderful nurses to care for your children throughout the school day. The nurses are staffed in buildings to be able to care for students with chronic health conditions (diabetes, seizures, severe allergies, and asthma to name a few). Nurses are also available to students that become ill or injured during the school day. Our nurses are all trained and certified in CPR and First Aid. Many of our wonderful nurses are also American Heart Association CPR Instructors; and work closely with staff to make sure teams are trained in each building to be able to respond to a medical emergency. Our nurses work hard to make sure our children are “healthy and ready to learn”.
District Nurse Supervisor
Brandie Garland, BSN, RN

Meningococcal Disease and Influenza and the Effectiveness of Vaccination
• T.C.A. § 49-6-5005. Information about Meningococcal Disease and Influenza and the Effectiveness of Vaccination
• Click HERE to learn more about Flu Prevention
• Click HERE to learn more about Meningitis Prevention
Immunization Requirements
- Tennessee Dept. of Health Certification of Immunization
- Proof of Physical within the last 12 months. A Tennessee Department of Health “Official Immunization Certificate” must be provided to the school before the student’s first day of class. The certificate is available from the local Health Department or your child’s physician. Students who are exempt from immunizations are still required to have this certificate signed by a physician and have proof of a physical exam. This includes students entering Pre-K, kindergarten and students transferring from another state.
- Please click HERE for more information of School Required Immunizations by TN Law
- Immunization Exemptions
- Religious Exemption: Parent must provide a Religious Exemption Form affirmed under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
- Medical Exemption: No child shall be denied admission to any school or school facility if the child has not been immunized due to medical reasons if the child has a written statement from the child’s doctor excusing the child from the immunization.
- Exemptions do not apply to Proof of Physical
Commonly Needed Forms
• (Download the Medication Administration Form)
• (Download the Food Allergy/Anaphylaxis Form)
Informational Videos
• (Sudden Cardiac Arrest: When Seconds Count)