Academic Growth Scores Increase at MCS Three Years Running
TCAP Achievement Level Results for Grades 3-8 show Murfreesboro City Schools (MCS) teachers and students can celebrate their accomplishments for the 2012-13 school year. MCS claimed another year of successful growth, with achievement targets met in all content areas.
“It’s tough to have two consecutive years of academic growth; to have three straight years is extremely difficult. I am especially proud of the administrators and teachers who facilitated the success of our children,” says Dr. Linda Gilbert, director of Murfreesboro City Schools.
Third Grade Reading Language Arts is up by 3.1% in the numbers of students who are proficient and advanced, Reading and Language Arts for grades 3-6 is up overall by 1.0%. Math saw an amazing 4.8% increase in growth for grades 3-6 while Social Studies experienced a 1.3% increase and Science saw a 1.6% increase, leaving Murfreesboro City Schools above the state achievement level in all four content areas.
“The fact that we have experienced three years of increased academic achievement is evidence that we, as a district, are headed in the right direction, our students are achieving at higher levels than ever before and this is a direct result of our excellent teaching staff,” says Gilbert.
However, with all the achievements, MCS will continue to work on gap closures, the only areas where the district did not see growth.
In addition to the high levels of grade achievements, MCS has realized great strides in community and business alliances and partnerships. These partnerships and mentoring programs help bring MCS students a well-rounded approach to studies and life lessons.
The new school year begins on August 5th and will be charged with high expectations for students, teachers and all MCS personnel as we celebrate our successes and keep our focus on our students.
For additional information on TCAP scores across Tennessee, visit the education department website.