Northfield Elementary’s Lauren Beard has been named the Elementary Physical Education Teacher of the Year. This award, presented by the Tennessee Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (TAHPERD), recognizes one outstanding elementary physical education teacher in Tennessee each year.
According to TAHPERD, “Mrs. Beard was selected for the award based on her high standards of excellence in the classroom and in the expectations she has for her students. She consistently strives to remain current with the trends and pedagogy in the field of physical education. Her physical education program is age and developmentally appropriate for children.”
Beard is the Physical Education teacher at Northfield Elementary School and has been with Murfreesboro City Schools since 2003.
“Mrs. Beard is the model of an effective physical education teacher,” says Meri-Leigh Smith, MCS Coordinated School Health. “Her enthusiasm toward physical education is contagious. She embraces new strategies and is constantly striving to support comprehensive education, active lifestyles and wellness among her students.”