Thursday, October 27 is set aside for student-led parent-teacher conferences.
Here’s what researchers and MCS teachers say about a student-led conference:
· Actively engages students in their learning process
· Opens up communication between school and home
· Teaches self-reflection, self-evaluation skills
· Practices real life skills—communication, organization, leadership, etc.
· Increases parent attendance
· Is an opportunity for students to produce positives that may not show up on a report card grade (an art project, an essay)
· Is authentic assessment
· Is an opportunity to see work in progress
· Can increase student accountability. The student is talking about the “why” of their progress based on student action—not just teacher action.
· Puts students at the center
“When students are well-prepared over an extended period to tell the story of their success (or lack thereof), they seem to experience a fundamental shift in their internal sense of responsibility for that success.” Rich Stiggins