Murfreesboro City Schools takes reading on the road with BOB the Book Bus. BOB encourages reading during the summer months and throughout the year.
“Bringing a mobile library to neighborhoods helps children and families have easier access to books and the power of reading,” says Caresa Dodson, Reading and Intervention Coordinator.
Through the mobile library, children can receive an array of favorite books. Children from age two through sixth grade and their families can check out books, read and keep them in their home library, or return them to the bus for other families to enjoy.
BOB is an out-of-service school bus repurposed to house the mobile library. The bus includes shelves and seating.
This literacy initiative aims to help children discover a passion for reading. Research shows that students who read for more than 20 minutes a day score 90% better than their peers on reading tests. Twenty minutes per day exposes children to 1.8 million words a year.
BOB the Book Bus is funded in part through The Christy-Houston and Richard Siegel Foundations. Books have been donated by many individuals and are being accepted at the MCS Central Office.