Over 250 people participated in The City Schools Foundation’s 4th Annual Back to School 5k/10k Dash. The 5k and 10k USATF Certified course conditions allowed for several personal best times by participants.
The Dash is one of two major fundraisers for The City Schools Foundation. The Foundation, chartered in 2005, benefits Murfreesboro City Schools’ 9,000 plus pre-K through 6th-grade students and serves as a venue for other foundations and corporations to make significant contributions that can impact the school system as a whole. The intent is to bring local resources to bear on local needs.
Race participants began at Overall Creek Elementary. Participants ranged from 10k runners preparing for the upcoming half marathon, to run clubs, and MCS staff and students enjoying the 5k run or walk.
Monies raised from the Dash will be distributed in the form of teacher classroom grants. In 2018, The Foundation gave over $90,000 in grants and parity dollars to teachers and schools ranging from $199 to $10,000. For additional information about The Foundation, please visit www.cityschools.net.