The newest greenhouse in Murfreesboro City School’s grant-funded Farm to School program is now at Discovery School. The greenhouse provides students a protected and secure environment to learn about the growing process.
Murfreesboro City School’s Farm to School program began in 2015. MCS students have gained access to healthy, local and regionally sourced foods as well as education opportunities such as school gardens, tower gardens, cooking lessons and farm field trips.
“Farm to School continues to grow in size, scope and enthusiasm in our schools,” says Meri-Leigh Smith, Coordinated School Health. “Our farmer educator works with teachers and students to enhance curriculum and experiential learning opportunities.”
The Farm to School approach is a nationwide movement that helps students understand where their food comes from and how their food choices impact their bodies, the environment and the community. Gardening allows students to learn about basic plant structure and life cycles with a hands-on perspective.
Cason Lane Academy and Hobgood Elementary currently have working greenhouses. Future greenhouse sites include Overall Creek, Northfield, Reeves-Rogers and Erma Siegel Elementary.
“In the days of digital media and electronics, it’s nice to see students excited about getting their hands a little dirty,” says Kristina Maddux, Discovery School Principal. “Discovery School has several raised bed gardens located on our campus. The greenhouse is a wonderful addition to our program.”
The greenhouse at Discovery School is equipped with a solar exhaust fan to allow for the best environment for the plants and student interaction.