Nineteen teachers from Murfreesboro City Schools (MCS) received their Tennessee Employment Standard for Gifted Teaching on Saturday, March 16.
The Middle Tennessee State University/Murfreesboro City Schools Gifted Academy, sponsored by The Jennings and Rebecca Jones Foundation, aims to expand the MCS Gifted Education program by equipping teachers with tools to identify and engage gifted students. Over one hundred MCS teachers have received the Tennessee Employment Standard for Gifted Education.
The 2018-19 graduation class of the Gifted Academy includes: Lauren Moore, Jessica Piety, Luke Dickerson, Hannah Blanks, Luke Hill, Melissa Horn, Taylor Witsaman, Shawntessa Wilson, Elizabeth Evans, Teresa McCarthy, Amanda McBryar, Rachel Matthews, Jessica Jacobs, Gabrielle Howell, Laura Payne, Traci West, Heather Konyar, Jacquese Johnson, and Taylor Thornton.
Additionally, the Scholars’ Program, for high achieving students, was introduced in 2015 as a part of the gifted program. Scholars offers various learning opportunities that specifically target the social, emotional, and academic needs of gifted and high achieving students. Students are paired with like-peers to optimize opportunities that focus on developing the students’ ability to collaborate, communicate, think critically and creatively. Scholar students work with Gifted Specialists throughout the school year on unique projects and learning tasks.
For additional information on The Scholars’ Program, visit cityschools.net and use the search word “gifted”. Murfreesboro City Schools is a district of twelve schools committed to the academic and personal success of each child.