Due to the growing number of COVID cases in Murfreesboro, for the first three weeks of January, Murfreesboro City Schools will reopen in an A/B Hybrid model based on the first letter of the student’s last name. (Note that students with different last names but living in the same household will be accommodated. Please reach out to the school principal if you have name concerns.)
This hybrid plan will ensure that approximately half of the students are in a classroom each day making social distancing of six feet or more easier to maintain.
Group A:
- Includes students with last names that begin with A-L.
- Attendance will be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
- Students will receive an at-home learning packet on Wednesday to complete Thursday and Friday.
Group B:
- Includes students with last names that begin with M-Z.
- Attendance will be on Thursdays and Fridays.
- Students will receive a homework packet on Fridays to complete Tuesday and Wednesday of the following week.
Parents please note:
Monday, January 11, will be an asynchronous day for all students.
Comprehensive Development Classes and BEST classes will be open to all CDC and BEST students Tuesday through Friday.
Students attending school via distance learning will also use a hybrid model.
Adjustments in specific classrooms may need to be made based on classroom makeup.
Attendance will be taken each day for all students.
Extended School Program (ESP)
ESP will be open for all students on Monday, January 4, and Monday, January 11. Otherwise, for the first three weeks of school, ESP will only be open for those students attending school that day. For example, only Group A students will be allowed attend ESP on Tuesdays and Wednesdays while only Group B students will be allowed to attend ESP on Thursdays and Fridays. This will help the schools ensure that the groups of students attending are kept as small as possible. ESP will be closed on Monday, January 18, (MLK Day).
It is our objective to get all students back in the schools together as soon as it is deemed safe to do so. We hope to make a decision by Wednesday, January 20, on which plan we will employ to educate our students moving forward. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.