Murfreesboro City Schools is proud to announce the appointment of Laurie Offutt as the principal for the new Reeves-Rogers Elementary. Reeves-Rogers will reopen as a traditional kindergarten through sixth grade school in the 2014-15 school year. Offutt will assume her role in the spring and will oversee the opening and hiring for Reeves-Rogers for the next school year.
Offutt currently serves as Assistant Principal at John Pittard Elementary and has also served as the Assistant Principal at The Discovery School at Reeves Rogers. Before serving in her role as Assistant Principal, she was the Media Specialist at Scales Elementary and taught at Central Magnet School in Rutherford County as well as MTSU.
The reopening of Reeves-Rogers as a traditional campus is part of the overall rezoning of the MCS district. The students of The Discovery School, an academic magnet school, will be relocated to the current campus of Bellwood Bowdoin Preschool. The preschool program will be located at school campuses across the district.
The Reeves-Rogers campus will become the school home of nearly 450 students. The school will include a Family Resource Center, an active Extended School Program and in-room technology