Parent engagement days empower parents with information to help children reach their full potential and thrive at school. At Reeves-Rogers, parent workshops focus on grade level learning and give parents tools they can use at home to help their child be successful.
“Success at Reeves-Rogers is achieved by our school working closely with parents and the community for the success of the children,” says Dr. Cherrye Robertson, Principal. “We are proud of our Reward School status but that is only achieved by working together. Today’s expectations for grade level learning are much different than they were when today’s parents attended school.”
Like other schools, Reeves-Rogers has a focus on STEAM. However, in this case, the A in STEAM stands for Agriculture – Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture and Math. Throughout the year, Reeves-Rogers partners with multiple organizations to bring a Farm to School focus to aspects of the classroom.
“When parents ask ‘What did you do at school today?’, we want our parents to understand the conversations and lessons that their child and teachers are actually having. If they say, ‘I planted a garden’, we want them to understand that the garden is part of our STEAM focus and aligns with our curriculum standards,” says Robertson.
Parents play a vital role in how well students do in school. Reeves-Rogers parent, Nyoka Duong says parent workshops allow for open conversations and equip parents with different strategies for individual children. These conversations help parents overcome road blocks that children may face.
“We want parents to leave with strategies they can use at home,” says Natalie Hardiman, Vice Principal. “Parent workshops open dialogue that allows us to address learning strategies for children and parents. Workshops also allow us to review overall readiness and testing standards like TNReady reports.”
Group meetings and grade level workshops allow opportunities for staff and parents to connect in support of their child’s education.