MCS has two distinct Pre-K programs. Both are now accepting applications.
Applications are accepted at the Murfreesboro City Schools central office, 2552 South Church Street during business hours. The MCS Pre-K program is funded by a grant for low income or at-risk children who are zoned for a city school. Students must be 4 years old, but not yet 5, by August 15, 2019 to qualify.
Comprehensive instructions and applications can be found at https://cityschools.net/departments/preschool.
Integrated Preschool
MCS is also accepting applications for peer models in the MCS Integrated Preschool Program – a separate program from Pre-K. These classes are special education classes for children ages 3-5. Peer models serve as role models and peer helpers to children with special needs. The integrated preschool classroom is a structured teaching environment where special needs children and peer models learn together. For further information regarding the Integrated Preschool contact the Special Education Department.