Murfreesboro City Schools (MCS) is pleased to have three controlled choice schools as options for our students and parents. Our choices include the following content focuses:
• Arts
• STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics)
• Leadership
These campuses are part of a strong portfolio of schools within our district.
MCS sets high academic standards for all students at each of our traditional and controlled choice schools equipping them with the knowledge and ability to succeed in high school and beyond.
Below you will find a brief description of our controlled choice schools aimed at helping you make informed decisions about whether a controlled choice school is right for your child. Please feel free to contact the school principal for additional details or visit the school website. Controlled choice enrollment is limited.
Bradley Academy – Arts Integrated School
Bradley Academy is recognized for excellence in arts — creative writing, drama, instrumental music, theater, visual arts and vocal music. Coupled with a strong academic program, Bradley develops both the artistic and academic talents of its students.
Hobgood Elementary – STEM School
The STEM program shows students the value of learning skills in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Students learn to become critical thinkers through hands-on academic experiences that involve innovative new technologies.
Mitchell-Neilson – Leadership Academy
Leader in Me is an innovative, school-wide model that increases teacher effectiveness, student engagement, and academic achievement, while preparing students to be leaders in the 21st century. The development of good habits, grounded in the values of citizenship and leadership, is a fundamental part of this philosophy.
How does the process work?
Controlled choice schools have a limited number of openings. Applications will be accepted from April 5th through April 30th.
A letter of acceptance will be mailed to students on or before May 18th. After receiving your letter of acceptance, parents must complete and return a letter of intent. The letter of intent will be part of the acceptance packet sent to parents.
Students may be admitted after the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year if space permits based on the principal’s discretion.
Please note:
• Bus transportation is not provided for students utilizing the controlled choice school out of zone.
• Students must stay in good standing with school in regards to tardies and absences.
• Students not following school policies will be reviewed for possible return to the zoned schools.
• Students will adhere to the provisions outlined in the parent handbook.
• Rising students are not guaranteed placement in a controlled choice school. School records will be reviewed.
• Parents/guardians are requested to participate in PTO or other school volunteer roles.