Additional information regarding the Back to School Plan will be available Wednesday, July 29 after 2 p.m. Please continue to check for updated information on this website.
In response to ongoing monitoring of the COVID-19 numbers, Murfreesboro City Schools will open the 2020-2021 school year on August 10th with Plan 2: Hybrid Instruction. This is a change from our original opening plan.
In this plan, Pre-k through 2nd grade students will begin in the traditional school setting while 3rd through 6th grade students will utilize the distance learning model.
Grades Pre-k through 2
· Students in grades pre-k through 2nd will begin the school year in the traditional classroom setting.
· Parents have the option of choosing the choice distance learning model for their Pre-k – 2nd grade student(s). A Choice Distance Learning Agreement must be returned to the school by July 31.
Download the Distance Learning Agreement
Download the Distance Learning Agreement (Spanish)
Download the Distance Learning Agreement (Arabic)
· Bus routes will be offered for kindergarten through 2nd grade students who attend the traditional school setting.
· ESP is available for pre-k through 2nd grade.
· All safety protocols previously outlined in the traditional school setting will remain in place.
Grades 3 through 6
· Students in grades 3 through 6, will begin the school year with distance learning.
· If a 3rd through 6th grade child needs childcare due to their guardians’ work schedule and/or does not have internet access, they may choose to opt-in to the traditional school setting.
· 3rd through 6th grade siblings of kindergarten through 2nd grade students will be able to ride the bus if they plan to attend the traditional school setting because of lack of childcare and/or internet access.
· Parents with students in grades 3 through 6 who opt-in to the traditional school setting, and do not have a sibling in grades K through 2, must provide transportation to and from school.
· If a student needs to arrive at the school before the school day begins and/or stay after the school day ends, ESP is available.
· Parents of 3rd through 6th grade students who need to enroll their child in the traditional school setting because of the reasons noted above, must sign the enrollment form located on our website or at your school. Return this form to your school principal by Monday, August 3.
(Download the Hybrid Enrollment Exemption Form)
(Download the Hybrid Enrollment Exemption Form in Spanish)
Once the school year begins, and unless the school district moves to another instruction plan, all students must remain in the instruction plan they start until the end of a nine-week grading period.
Special transportation will be provided to students in accordance with a student’s IEP.
With all models, students will be expected to receive 6.5 hours of instruction for 180 days. Attendance will be taken, and grades will be given for work completed.
Students who spend the majority of their day in the Comprehensive Developmental Classroom (CDC) or have special education requirements will have the opportunity to start in the traditional school setting.
At any point during the academic year, MCS may switch instructional models based on the circumstances of the pandemic. Please know that there is no playbook for a pandemic, and we ask parents and the community-at-large to be patient and flexible as we make uncharted decisions.
A few of the many steps being taken when school opens for traditional classes include:
· Temperature checks of students and staff daily
· Frequent handwashing/sanitizing required
· Physical distancing will be encouraged
· Students will be contained to one classroom/hallway when possible
· Students will have their own school supplies and manipulatives
· Student desks/tables will be arranged to promote social distancing
· Teachers will wear masks/face shield when 6’ social distancing is not an option
· Water fountains will be utilized for filling water bottles or cups, no direct drinking
· Strict cleaning protocols will be implemented throughout the day
· Students will wear masks with a few exceptions
Distance learning will include 6½ hours of instruction delivered live via Zoom and other on-line platforms and hard copy instruction during the traditional school day.
Return to School Guidelines 20-21 updated March 2021