The Tennessee Department of Education has announced that Murfreesboro City Schools has received the designation of Exemplary District, the highest distinction school districts can earn in Tennessee. In addition, the Department announced that nine Murfreesboro City Schools have received the designation of Tennessee Reward Schools, the highest distinction schools can earn in the state.
Murfreesboro City Reward Schools include: Black Fox, Cason Lane, Discovery, Erma Siegel, John Pittard, Mitchell-Neilson, Overall Creek, Reeves-Rogers, and Scales Elementary. TNReady data indicate that these schools are significantly improving student academic achievement and student growth for all students and for student groups. Attendance and English language proficiency are also required measures in the designation. This year marks the highest number of schools recognized in any individual year as Reward Schools for Murfreesboro City Schools.
In addition to the district Exemplary Status and nine schools’ Reward School Status, noteworthy results include:
- 1 of only 20 districts across the state to receive Exemplary status; 1 of 3 districts (Williamson County, Wilson County, and Murfreesboro City) in the Mid-Cumberland CORE region, which comprises 15 school districts.
- Level 5 (highest level possible) in Mathematics
- Level 5 (highest level possible) in English/Language Arts
- Number of schools that earned Level 5 (highest level possible)—10 out of 12
- Level 5 (highest level possible) in 9 out of 10 possible subgroups
- Level 5 (highest level possible) in 8 out of 10 grade level content areas (remaining were level 3 and level 4)
- No schools on any of the “underperforming” lists (CSI, TSI, ATSI) which are easy lists for diverse schools to make.
- Finally, in the Department of Ed’s public release, the district was cited in one of 3 bullet points from all districts in the Mid-Cumberland Region: “Murfreesboro City Schools all students in grades 3-6 improved their math score.”
“The news affirms the support of the City Council, leadership of the School Board, dedication of school employees, partnerships with parents, and support of the community,” says Gilbert. “While we are pleased with the test results, MCS teachers and support staff are focused on the needs of boys and girls under their care and are committed to growing the whole child. We are preparing students for their futures and not simply one snapshot of memorized facts.”