Registration is now open for the Back to School 5k/10k Dash scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 15, 2018 beginning at Overall Creek Elementary. The certified run, sponsored by The City Schools Foundation, will begin at 7 a.m. with options to compete in either the 5k walk/run category or the 10k run only category.
The USATF certified course starts and finishes at Overall Creek Elementary School. 5K Race participants will run from Overall Creek to the predominantly flat Veterans Parkway and back. 10K participants will begin at the same point and will continue the run-on Mooreland Lane.
The rate to participate in the race is $30 (5k) and $35 (10k) until Sept. 1.
To register or sponsor the Back to School Dash, access the RunSignUp link by visiting Back to School Dash. Once registered, participants will receive a timing chip, race bib and t-shirt.