Frequently Asked Questions & Other Information –
Online Education:
Activities for each grade level will be posted on your school’s webpage each Monday. The location will be on the right side of the webpage heading bar under your school’s initials and the words “at Home.” Information about Lexia and iReady as well as much more can be found at www.cityschools.net/home-school-information
Paper copies:
Crates are also placed outside your school’s front door on Mondays. Crates will include paper copies of the same information that is posted online, arranged by grade level. As with the online access materials, there will be ongoing activities as well as week-specific activities. The crates will remain in place Monday through Thursday. Additionally, each Monday and Tuesday, volunteers will follow the CHOW buses and hand out copies of the online activities.
On-air instruction:
MCS teachers are presenting lessons Monday through Friday at 9:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on CityTV. These lessons can also be found at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXjPQW-GeBG7NVNVk3YdQZoQ76JYtuX55.
Teaching Tennessee airs on PBS on Monday through Friday, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Tennessee teachers provide a virtual classroom lesson on English Language Arts or Math for grades 1-8. Four hours of content is also streamed overnight, which viewers can watch live or record.
The zone waiver deadline has been extended to June 15. Waivers can be found at www.cityschools.net/student-info. Parents wishing to submit a waiver can print and mail a completed waiver to the MCS Central Office or scan and e-mail completed waivers to kim.fischer@cityschools.net. Parents who do not have the capability of printing a zone waiver at home can call 615-893-2313 and ask for a zone waiver to be mailed to them.
No grades will be given for the 4th nine weeks.
During the week of the April 27th – a library bin will be placed outside the front door of each school for dropping off library books that you may currently have at your home.
Families of current students should register online using the Skyward Parent Portal. If families have difficulty registering online, please contact your teacher or the attendance secretary at your current school.
Pre-K registration applications can be found at www.cityschools.net/departments/preschool. Applications can be downloaded and printed, or paper copies can be found at the front of each school. Completed applications should be mailed to the MCS Central Office – Attn: Pre-K, 2552 S. Church St., Murfreesboro, TN 37127.
Kindergarten registration will begin May 7. Additional details will be coming soon. Current MCS Pre-K students can register online for kindergarten using the MCS Skyward Parent Portal.
Parents should contact the principal of their zoned middle school or contact Rutherford County Schools at 615-893-5812 and ask to speak to Barbara Powers, Middle School Coordinator. There is not a form needed from Murfreesboro City Schools. All student records will be transferred electronically to the middle school.
Parents will be contacted by their school to coordinate a date in May to pick up student personal materials. This may include yearbooks and photos. This will be the time to drop any additional school items that are still at your home including library books, band instruments, etc.
Decisions about Murfreesboro City Schools must consider the natural actions of children as well as the contagion associated with COVID-19. Therefore, the Extended School Program (ESP) will remain closed until July 20.
Money left in cafeteria accounts will be rolled over to the 2020-21 school year. However, a refund request can be obtained through School Cafe or by visiting https://cityschools.net/departments/school-nutrition for the account refund form. Accounts with outstanding charges should be paid in full by May 20. Questions can be sent to sandy.scheele@cityschools.net.
If you have additional questions that are not covered in this overview, please email your teacher or principal. (Questions about an individual student should be sent first to the grade level teacher.)
Murfreesboro City Schools – 2552 South Church Street – Murfreesboro, TN 37127 – 615-893-2313