When does school begin?
August 10 is the first half day of school for first through sixth grade. Phase in kindergarten begins on August 11. Please see the complete calendar on the website.
Distance Learning
Will my child be assigned a teacher from my school as a homeroom teacher for Distance Learning? Yes
What type device do I need to have for my child to do Distance Learning? First and foremost, you will need to have a dependable internet/Wi-Fi connection. Your child will need access to a laptop, desktop, or Chromebook with full browser capabilities. This includes access to Firefox or Google Chrome. The list of requirements for laptops/computers can be found on the Parent Technology Resources Home Access Sheet on the MCS website. (Download the Parent Technology Resources Home Access Sheet)
Are laptops available for loan? MCS does not currently have the technology resources to provide every student with a laptop. We ask parents who have access to a laptop or desktop to please provide a device for your child. However, a set number of computers will be loaned to students until our resources are depleted on a priority basis. The Laptops on Loan application deadline has been extended to Saturday, August 1 for all students utilizing Distance Learning. (3rd – 6th grade students will be given a higher priority rating.) Parents will be notified by Tuesday, August 4.
What is a typical day for Distance Learning?
Just like the traditional classroom setting, the Distance Learning classroom will vary by grade level and will consist of real-time learning with the teacher as well as teacher assigned activities for the student. This is a similar schedule as students in traditional classroom will follow.
For instance, a third-grade distance learning class would look comparable to the following:
15-minute morning group meeting
60-minutes of English Language Arts
This will be online with the teacher as well as in breakout sessions in Google classroom.
15-minute break
60-minutes of Math with interactive student activities
30-minute lunch break
30-minutes of Science/Social Studies
15-minute break
30-minutes of small group breakout sessions
45-minutes special areas like music, art and physical education
There will also be recess time and afternoon individualized computer assistance learning like iReady and Lexia.
Will there be any technical help?
Yes, a dedicated line will be manned at schools for the first hour of each school day. This will help parents and students with questions about logging onto Zoom, Google Classroom and other platforms.
Are there exceptions?
Parents of 3rd through 6th grade students who need to enroll their child in the traditional school setting due to lack of childcare or internet access, must sign the enrollment form located on our website or at your school. This form must be returned to your school principal by Monday, August 3.
Traditional Classroom
Will students be required to wear masks all day? Students and staff are required to wear masks during the school day. There are masks free zones in the classroom and in the building with social distance guidelines in place. Breaks and recess may be taken outside to allow additional masks free areas.
Will the supply list change? No, the supply list remains the same.
Will attendance be taken? Attendance will be taken, and grades will be given for work completed.
Once the school year begins, and unless the school district moves to another instruction plan, all students must remain in the instruction plan they start until the end of a nine-week grading period. At any point during the academic year, MCS may switch instructional models based on the circumstances of the pandemic.