Thirty-three teachers from Murfreesboro City Schools received their Tennessee Employment Standard for Gifted Teaching after completing the MTSU/MCS Gifted Academy.
The Gifted Academy, sponsored by The Jennings and Rebecca Jones Foundation, aims to expand Murfreesboro City Schools Gifted Education program by equipping teachers with tools to identify and engage gifted students.
The Gifted Academy training presents teachers with numerous tools to assist in planning higher level thinking activities and detailed tasks for gifted learners. MCS currently has over 100 teachers that have received additional training specifically related to gifted education.
“We want to provide stimulating learning environments for our gifted students allowing them to be challenged and to succeed. With that goal in mind, MCS provides The Gifted Academy for our teachers and has developed the Scholars’ Program for students along with other programs,” says Lea Bartch, Gifted Services Specialist.
The 2017-18 graduation class of the Gifted Academy includes:
Courtney Baker, Nichole Bell, Sam Bolden, Anna Buchholz, Chase Carter, Emily Casey, Erica Crabtree, Lindsay Crawford, Leatha Fielder, Laura Gavin, Mark Gibson, Spring Harris, Macari Harrison, Tara Hatchell, Whitney Heckert, Shelby Jones, Kaycie Jones, Kimberly Kahle, Iliana Maccagnano, Jennifer Marlatt, Danielle Montanaro, Christy Moore, Anita Morton, Danya Pace, Cheri Purdie, Amberly Sandberg, Rachel Slough, Sondra Smith, Alison Stovall, Patric Thomas, Tiara Vance, Maria Webb, and Jennifer Whitlow.
The Scholars’ Program for students began in 2015 and offers varied learning opportunities that specifically target the social, emotional, and academic needs of gifted and high achieving students. Students are paired with like-peers to optimize opportunities that focus on developing the students’ ability to collaborate, communicate, think critically and creatively. Scholars work with Gifted Specialists throughout the school year on unique projects and learning tasks.