Kindergarten registration for Murfreesboro City Schools is open now through May 14 for students entering kindergarten for the 2021-22 school year. All children entering kindergarten must be five years old on or before August 15, 2021.
Families of incoming kindergartners have options for registering for the upcoming school year. Upcoming kindergarten students with siblings attending MCS can register through their existing Family Access Account. New students without siblings in the district can complete the registration online or at their zoned school during in-person registration opportunities. These dates may vary by school and information can be found on the school’s website.
Online registration can be accessed at Kindergarten Registration beginning Thursday, May 7th through Friday, May 14th. Simply follow the instructions on the kindergarten registration page.
Early registration allows schools to prepare for the upcoming school year. It also allows families to receive resources and updates throughout the summer.
A complete registration includes:
* Your child’s Official Birth Certificate
* Tennessee Dept. of Health Certification of Immunization
* Proof of Physical within the last year
* Verification of Your Address. This must be a current utility bill with name and address. (Example: Water, Electric, Gas).
Parents are urged to register their children online or through a paper application even if they do not have all of their required forms or certificates. Missing forms may be turned in prior to the first day of school.