Murfreesboro City Schools invites the public to the MCS Music Festival on Monday, March 13. The performance will take place at 6:00 p.m. at World Outreach Church and includes over 450 students singing in celebration of Music in our Schools Month.
The concert showcases students across the district. The performance features pieces from a wide array of composers ranging from classical to contemporary and will be narrated and conducted by the MCS music teachers. The evening promises to be a spectacular event showcasing the vocal talent of MCS students.
For more than 30 years, Music in our Schools Month has been recognized and sponsored by the National Association for Music Education. The observance brings music education to the forefront of schools across the nation.
Parents and guests are encouraged to arrive by 5:30 p.m. to ensure ample time for seating. World Outreach Church is located at 1921 Hwy 99 (New Salem Highway) in Murfreesboro. The performance will be held in the Three Crosses Sanctuary.