Thank you for your interest in the Murfreesboro City Schools Preschool Program.
The MCS Pre-K program is funded by a grant for low income or at-risk children. We serve four-year old children who are zoned for a city school. Your child must be 4, but not yet 5, years old on August 15th, 2020.
UPDATED to begin April 13, 2020
Due to COVID19, Pre-K Registration procedures have changed. Please read the requirements of the program and follow the instructions below to submit an application.
- • Children must be 4 years old by August 15, 2020.
- • Children must live within the Murfreesboro city limits.
- • Eligibility and tentative placements will be determined following the completion of the application process. You will receive a letter on or before July 15th letting you know about your child’s acceptance.
- • If you have specific concerns or questions, you may email preschool@cityschools.net.
The Application should be filled out completely and attach the following documentation.
- • Proof of income – might include current pay stubs, W2, or a 2019 tax return, and public assistance verification like SNAP. Please submit a W-2, 2019 tax return, or current pay stubs to expedite the processing of your application and ensure determination of eligibility for all Preschool Programs including partnership slots with CDI – Head Start serving Mid-Cumberland.
- • Proof of your address. The only documentation that will be accepted is copy of an electric, water, or gas bill or lease with the parent’s name and the service address on it. These bills may be no more than 60 days old.
- • Copy of Official Birth Certificate.
If you have concerns mailing the documentation due to the confidential nature of these items, you may submit only the application at this time. Our preschool staff will contact you at a later date to obtain the documents. Eligibility cannot be determined until all documentation is submitted.
Mail the application and/or documents to:
Murfreesboro City Schools
Attn: Preschool
2552 South Church Street
Murfreesboro, TN 37127
Preschool staff will contact you for any additional information needed via phone or email. If your address, phone number, or email changes, please send the updated information to preschool@cityschools.net.
Our preschool classrooms will be located in several schools for the 2020-2021 school year. The school locations for the preschool classrooms will be based on the space available. We will continue to offer classrooms at our off-site location at Mercury Court. Children who reside within the Murfreesboro city limits and meet the eligibility requirements, regardless of your child’s zoned school, may be placed in a classroom based on location, zones, and proximity as long as space is available.
***Please follow the instructions for applying and guidelines for documentation carefully so that your application may be considered as complete.
If after reading the information on submitting an application, you have further questions you may email preschool@cityschools.net or call 615-904-1015.
Applications can be picked up outside any MCS school location in a crate titled Pre-K Applications after April 13 or simply download and complete both application forms below. Forms should be mailed to Murfreesboro City Schools at the address provided at the top of this page.
Additional details will be added soon.
Did You Know?
Every child in Tennessee, birth to age five, is eligible to receive high-quality, age appropriate books in the mail monthly at no cost to families. Enroll in the Governor’s Books from Birth Foundation, a partnership with Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library and United Way of Rutherford & Cannon Counties.
**** Integrated Preschool is separate from PreK. This information is not intended for the Integrated Preschool Classroom. For further information regarding the Integrated Preschool contact the Special Education Department.