Murfreesboro City Schools will transition to the traditional classroom with an opt out option for all students beginning September 28. This is a change from the current hybrid plan.
In this plan, all students will be in the traditional school setting with an option for choice distance learning. A choice distance learning parent agreement must be completed between September 9 and September 18 for parents to opt children out of the traditional school setting. (All parents choosing distance learning, including parents currently utilizing choice distance learning, must complete a new opt-out form located in Skyward Parent Portal.)
Grades Pre-k through 6
- All students will transition to the traditional classroom setting beginning September 28.
- Parents have the option of choosing the choice distance learning model for their student(s). A Choice Distance Learning Agreement must be completed by parent/guardian in Skyward by September 18.
- Bus routes will be offered for all students who attend the traditional school setting. However, parents are encouraged to provide car transportation.
- ESP is available for all students who attend the traditional school setting.
- All safety protocols previously outlined in the traditional school setting will remain in place.
Classroom Overview
- Physical distancing will be encouraged
- Students will be contained to one classroom/hallway when possible
- Students will have their own school supplies and manipulatives
- Student desks/tables will be arranged to promote social distancing
- Water fountains will be used to fill cups or bottles only
- Cleaning protocols will be implemented throughout the day
- Students and staff members wearing masks is required
Unless the school district moves to another instruction plan, all students must remain in the instruction plan they start until the end of a nine-week grading period.
With all models, students will be expected to receive 6.5 hours of instruction for 180 days. Attendance will be taken, and grades will be given for work completed.
At any point during the academic year, MCS may switch instructional models based on the circumstances of the pandemic.
Quick Tips to Completing Distance Learning Agreement in Parent Portal