Registration information regarding your child’s school may be picked up at the school ESP welcome desk throughout the summer. Beginning July 24 – August 3, schools will be open for registration during the school day. Parents are encouraged to register their students in advance of school beginning on August 1, 2018.
Kindergarten Registration
All children entering kindergarten must be five years old on or before August 15, 2018.
To register new students parents should bring:
- Your child’s Official Birth Certificate
- Tennessee Dept. of Health Certification of Immunization
- Proof of Physical within the last year
- Verification of Your Address. This must be a current utility bill with your name and address on it. (Example: Water, Electric, Gas).
If you live outside the city limits of Murfreesboro and want to attend a Murfreesboro City School you will need to contact the Central Office at 615-893-2313 to request and fill out an OUT-OF-CITY application form. If approved, you will need to bring the OUT-OF-CITY ASSIGNMENT SHEET mailed to you, showing the school to which your child has been assigned.
Preschool and kindergarten are wonderful years to grow socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually. We are honored to welcome you and your child to Murfreesboro City Schools.
(Student Registration Card Download)
(Home Language Survey Download)
(Military and Sibling Data Collection Download)
(Occupational Survey (English) Download)