Today, the Tennessee Department of Education announced that Murfreesboro City Schools has six schools recognized as Tennessee Reward Schools. Reward status is the top state distinction a public school can earn in Tennessee.
Murfreesboro City Reward Schools include Black Fox, Erma Siegel, Reeves-Rogers, Bradley Academy, Overall Creek and Northfield Elementary. The annual Reward School designation identifies schools that are improving overall student academic achievement and student growth for all students.
Nearly half of all Murfreesboro City Schools received the Reward School Status. Typically, 20% of the public schools across the state have historically earned this distinction annually.
“I applaud our teachers, staff and central office instruction team on their rigorous focus on student learning,” says Dr. Trey Duke, director of Murfreesboro City Schools. “Our administrators are dedicated to protecting instruction time and making sure that each child has a pathway for success. This recognition is a confirmation to the outstanding work going on across the district.”
MCS teachers and support staff consistently look at the needs of individual students under their care and continue to concentrate on serving the whole child. The emphasis throughout the district is providing appropriate intervention and teaching for all students irrespective of their level of learning.
Murfreesboro City Schools is a proud school district boasting thirteen schools and educating over 9,500 students. For additional information, visit our website www.cityschools.net.
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